Alternate Title: I Have a Problem With Perfection.
Surprisingly, this is only the second major public-facing design change my personal site has gone through in its short history. But looks can be deceiving — there have been countless tweaks, modifications, and alterations that have gone on behind the scenes. Many an idea has been tested and quickly scrapped.
This is one of the reasons the site has laid dormant for the better part of 2 years.
I have this nasty habit of never (or perhaps I should say ‘rarely’) being satisfied with my own work. There’s always room for improvement, which I often use as an excuse to never finish projects I take on in my spare time. When I’m my own boss and I don’t have a deadline looming, perfection becomes the default.
Even with this new site launch, there’s a bunch of things I would like to improve upon, but it’s a start. And I’m getting better at allowing myself to move forward even when everything isn’t in its perfect place.
There’s still a long way to go, but in 2015 I’m hoping to write more, to move things forward more, and to put more of myself out there, even if it’s not perfect.
Because, at the end of the day, something is much better than nothing.
Here’s to making things.*